Phantom House

Phantom House has long created cool and characterful books for the creative sector. As an independent publisher, each publication requires its own unique design. From chronicling the diversity of New Zealand’s lighthouses to profiling Wellington’s most notorious coffee creators, we’ve had the joy of designing a creative expression for each title.

Phantom House




Creative Direction

The Night Watchers is a captivating publication that leaves you with a sense of awe and wonder at the world and what lies beyond. The publication features expansive nightscapes captured through the lens of world reknowned photographer Grant Sheehan.
The book design features a ‘shutter’ graphic that changes as you flick through the pages, providing a visual cue as to the level of exposure used to capture each vista.
Kereru Station tells the unique story of two eccentric sisters Ruth and Gwen who purchased the rundown sheep station in the aftermath of World War II and revived it’s fortunes.
To compliment the rich photography that showcases the stations generous legacy, the book design features a natural palette, clean layouts and earthy textures.
In Memory of Travel is an aspirational publication that takes you on a series of journeys, from the Central American coast of Nicaragua, the Okavango Delta in Botswana, and the frozen world of Antarctica to many places in between.


The book design utilises colour and space to guide the reader through a series of carefully curated travel photos and stories.
Havana Coffee tells the astonishing story of pioneering Wellington Coffee Baron, Geoff Marsland. A café king, roasting entrepreneur, good bloke and caffeine visionary.
To capture Geoff’s well known ‘larger-than-life’ personality and the rich history of how the Havana coffee brand was established, we used a range of stressed textures, coffee stamps, vibrant Cuban colours and revolution theme elements. 
Ivan and The Lighthouse is based on a real story that is set in the 1910’s when Halley’s Comet appeared and inspired Ivan to learn about being a lighthouse keeper.
We created a series of three lighthouse storybooks featuring friendly and engaging illustrations of the colourful characters and their intrepid adventures.

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